Back to School, Back to Safety

As businesses are opening, so are schools, and many people are just now getting back into the driver’s seat as they return to a regular work schedule. It's important to remember – and share with your children, especially new teen drivers – some key tips that will help keep them safe and healthy throughout the school year.

Many routines have been changed or lost due to COVID-19, so it is extremely important to keep school zone safety top of mind. School kids walking to class, crossing guards, and that bright yellow school bus once again part of our normal routine.

Here are five safety tips for driving in school zones:

  1. Be on the lookout for school zones and observe posted speed limits in school zones or within 500-1,000 ft. of school grounds when children are outside fenced areas.

  2. Expect more traffic during 7-9 A.M. and 2-4 PM peak hours.  Look for skateboard riders, bicyclists and pedestrians when near schools.

  3. Reduce driving speeds and follow school zone signs with yellow flashing lights to indicate the limit is in force. Be alert to unsafe actions, such as running out between parked vehicles.

  4. Watch out for school crossing zones and obey school safety patrols’ or crossing guards’ directions.  Allow the crossing guards and pedestrians to safely reach the side of the road or sidewalk before driving ahead.

  5. Stop for school busses.  Flashing yellow lights on the school bus are a warning for you to slow down and prepare to stop.  Flashing red lights, including the flip-out Stop Sign, mean STOP, no matter which direction you are traveling

 Additionally, here are three safety tips to help your children stay safe as they head back to school.

  1. Go to the bus stop with your child(ren) to teach them the proper way to get on and off the bus.

  2. Review your family's walking safety rules and practice walking to school with your child(ren).

  3. For kids that bike to school, teach them the rules of the road and practice riding the bike route to school with your child(ren)

As a reminder, please be patient and courteous during this back to school, back to safety timeframe.

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